Helpful Notes on Writing A Speech

Helpful Notes on Writing A Speech. Perkongsian soalan, nota, latihan, skema jawapan, bahan rujukan dan informasi terkini blog Usaha Padu dapat membantu para guru, pelajar dan ibu bapa. Para guru, pelajar dan ibu bapa digalakkan untuk memanfaatkan semua bahan perkongsian blog Usaha Padu dengan sepenuhnya. Admin blog ini akan berusaha untuk mengemaskinikan bahan-bahan perkongsian dari semasa ke semasa.


Helpful Notes on Writing A Speech


  • You must greet the audience.


A very good morning to the principal, senior assistants, teachers, and beloved students, I am really glad to be invited here to give a speech on ……………………..


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to be given this opportunity to talk about …………………………

  • You must introduce yourself. Mention your position.


I am the chairperson of the English Language Society.


I am (Name), as the President of the Environment Club, want to give a speech this morning on ……………………..

  • You must mention the topic of your speech.


Today I am going to talk about ……….


The topic of my speech is “…………………”


As the President of the Environmental Society, I would like to talk about



  • Do not leave out any points provided
  • Mention all points
  • Elaborate all the points – use WH-Questions: why, where, when, what, who and


  • You must end the speech

Example: Thank you for

I would like to thank everyone here for your full support

With this, I shall end my speech. Thank you for paying full attention

Thank you for your attention
